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Macros Comes Out in Burst Instead of Continuous Razer

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  1. Just wondering how many of you guys use it in LoL and how? I personally don't because I'm not used to Macro with my mouse at all.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014
  2. @JabbingJab : Welcome to the forum.
    I never needed macro in LoL and I play it a lot. @Haltus Kain My fingers are fine as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    The problem is you have not many shortcuts for doing stuffs and I think the only place where you will be able to use macro is where you level up a skill instead of pressing ctrl+Q/W/E/R you can assign macro to do that job but I am not sure how it is going to make things fast for you. clickclickclickclickclickclick is still the better way of moving as it gives you more control as arrow keys are too far away from QWERDF, 1234567 & ctrl & alt keys
  3. I don't macro in LoL instead what I do is have my razer naga setup to where the numbers correlate with the number keys and make it easy to use consumables/active items.
  4. That is one headache solved ;)
  5. I use the buttons on my mouse for the essentials like items and trinkets but I probably will use the clicking macro at some point as it makes holding the right click and moving around more smooth.
  6. Macro as in pressing 1 button enters in multiple commands or just assigning keys for one command? I use it for one command. I know in dota if you assign multiple commands to one key you use shift but if it's pressing 1 button to activate multiple things a lot of players consider it cheating because it makes it easier for you to micro characters like meepo allowing you to activate abilities simultaneously with perfection.
  7. What you say is right but I just don't feel that I am in total control when using macro for movement. May be it is just me.
  8. You do have a point here and I agree with what you said. May be I will give it a minimalistic approach and see how it goes.
  9. :blush:

    Let me know if you'd like any help writing some. Again I don't play LoL, so I'm not familiar with its controls (beyond a basic understanding that it's click-to-move), but if you think of any function that might be a good candidate for a macro, feel free to run it by me.

    Things I've found macros work great for:
    -- Anything that requires spamming
    -- Tying multiple keystrokes together (i.e., making a "Ctrl+Shift+S" or "B+N" button)

    What macros generally don't work for:
    -- Executing entire rotations (i,e, press "1" wait a second, press "2" wait a second, etc)
    Those will murder your performance. And even if you can get something like that to work, most would agree that a macro like that would constitute cheating, and when it comes to risking an account ban, it's generally better safe than sorry.

    Speaking of that - before using ANY macro in an online game, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with that game's rules first. Some are very lenient, some are very strict.

    When in doubt, it doesn't hurt to petition the staff and say "Hey, I have a gaming mouse and would like to make a macro for your game with it that does ______ (be specific) because ______. Would that be safe to use, or is that bannable?"

  10. I am also not a LOL player but I do use macros in Starcraft (ctrl click and shift click on 4&5, A-move on scroll down and go to latest action on scroll up) and FPS games (-buy- macros on keyboard).
  11. Hmm. I test stuffs in Custom games as they are not monitored for abuse/cheating. I will test them there and check with Riot games if they can lead to a ban or not.
  12. i used macros that just simplify casting a spell on myself so that instead of moving my mouse away from where i need to go or move my hand to press alt
  13. Isn't there a menu setting where you can hotkey selfcast?
    I can think of champs that use certain skill combo's that could benefit from a macro, but on the otherhand, you need to time things different everytime anyway.
  14. alt and the button self casts the spell so i put a marcro assigned to my mouse that made it press for example alt w to make it self cast my w
  15. I generally don't feel the need to in League, with around seven buttons on average to press (abilities plus say three actives). I do find macroing useful in many other games though!
  16. you could use a macro to combo a dfg with a burst on an ap carry or for classes that use quick casting for combos IE jayce shockblast and have the gate come up while it's travelling
  17. Can someone explain to me what "marco" means?
  18. Have fun :)
  19. You jerk, ima search it up on google
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